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Entries in Video (1)


Virgin Airlines' 6 Hour Long Ad is Horrifying Twisted Brilliance

Yesterday, Virgin Airlines fully exposed us to BLAH Airlines, their personal critique on their competitors.  The concept of advertising yourself by showing potential customers how awful the alternatives are is hardly a new sales technique.  What is new, however, is the level of crazy that Virgin brought it to.

The video features immobile mannequins in an airliner on a simulated flight from Newark to, "the city that never sleeps", San Francisco.  An actual five hour and forty six minute long simulated flight.  The video features a delay on the tarmac, LONG stretches of wandering silence, babies crying, obnoxious passengers, inner monologues, and hallucinations.

I can't imagine anyone actually sitting through this entire thing uninterrupted, but it is definitely worth it to skip around on the time line.  The entire "flight" is full of bizarre and hilarious moments, like this strange child or this man obsessed with coffee or Hairspray.

I've never flown Virgin Airlines and I don't have much of an opinion about their flight experience, but after seeing this, they clearly have at least one genius working in their advertising department.

Seriously, this had better get Oscar consideration.